(The camera battery ran out, but we took some photos of the other children with Brent's phone. I'll try to get updates . . .)
Valentine's Day is a big holiday at our house. Almost as big as Christmas. I actually enjoy the anticipation more, because there doesn't seem to be all the "extra" that comes with Christmas.
Our tradition is to have every person in the family sit in the Throne of Love, and have the other family members tell what they love about that person. Then, they get a present that reflects something that Brent and I love about them.
Kai: Cool History DVD set (we love that he loves history), a fencing mask (we love his excitement for fencing) and a book: The Merchant of Death (Pendragon Series #1) by D. J. MacHale
Fia: Pointe shoes and some cute ballet flats (work shoes and fun shoes . . . we love her commitment to working hard to be a better dancer), and a book: Be Not Nobody (Piano/Vocal/Guitar Artist Songbook) by Vanessa Carlton (This is a sheet music book, and within two days, she had learned a song that I would consider beyond her piano knowledge, but not beyond her determination!)
Aerie: Hermit crab accessories (extra shells, aquarium cleaner, hermit crab deodorant--we love how she has diligently cared for her new pets), rolled fondant (we love the way she shares her baking talent!) and a thermos (we love the way she says ther-MOE-s) and a terrier Webkinz (just because we love her and she loves the pet of the month!). Aerie's book was Wings, by an author she loves, E.D. Baker.
Coco: Porcelain Belle doll (we love her love of all things French), a chihuahua Webkinz (which she named Miss Coco Pugs in honor of Skippy John Jones) and a book: Up and Down the Scratchy Mountains by Laurel Snyder (recommended by someone we love--Auntie Sis.)
Sallie: Snow White Polly Pocket set (we love how she is reminds us to have family scripture study--her time to play with Pollies, and that she is careful to care about MODEST Pollies) and a mother and baby chicken webkins. She named the mother "Chickena" (which is true to her modus operandi for naming "lovies"--she has a Lizarda, a Cowa, a Penguina . . . you get the picture.) The baby chicken's name is "Bawka." Her book was Happy Birthday, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle by Betty MacDonald. (She loves the Mrs. Piggle Wiggle stories.)
Brent got me a Pirate gift card to . . . Barnes and Noble (big surprise there, eh?) and I got him a fun game we played at a game night with the Giffords . . . "Ticket to Ride." Fun day!